Chiropractic-driven, drugless, and surgery-free healthcare

"I had a rodeo injury in August of 2017. I rode bucking horses professionally and had a horse flip on me breaking my low back. I had 5 of my lower vertebrae fused together. I started seeing Dr. Hurd and saw improvements every week. I have got back to doing everyday activities that I used to prior to surgery thanks to Dr. Hurd."
Casey B.

"Dr. Morgan Hurd took me under his care while training for the CrossFit Regionals. I had so much going on with my body and he was so patient and attentive to all of my needs. Weekly adjustments and specific care got me through the season with ease. I appreciate his knowledge and focus on patient centered care, always truly caring about the concerns I had for myself."
Maggie B.

"I started seeing Dr. Hurd when I was having a lot of neck pain with daily burning and tingling running down both of my arms into my hands. [...] I am so grateful for Dr. Hurd's care. I now feel good in my body and am able to do more than I have been able to do in years! Thanks, Dr. Hurd for providing me great care when I needed it most!"